April 5 - Weeks 1-3
Dear Fam & Friends, here goes my first attempt at 'blogging'. I hope this is the best way to let you know of our travels - you can jump in and out whenever you have a spare minute for updates. My first confession is that I was secretly worried I would be a bit bored in stretches and not have a lot to do - myth No.1 dispelled! We have been on the road for 3 weeks now and today have made the conscious effort to sit for the afternoon and bring you up to date, and a lot has happened in this time. Have your map of South and Western Australia out ready if you so choose! Noel is the main driver and I the navigator/trip planner. To quote Noel "All places are new and interesting, so I'm happy to go anywhere"; that makes for easy planning. The van, an 18' New Age Manta Ray is well kitted out with most things we think we will need/want to make our travel comfortable and practical, I suppose not a cheap exercise but after a few weeks on the road, well worth every...